Embracing your Flawesome: How to show up Authentically in your Creative Journey!

Authenticity is all the rage these days, especially for us creators and creative business owners. But let's be honest, trying to be authentic can be a bit overwhelming and make us question our own worth, sending us into an imposter syndrome spiral about what we're posting on TikTok or if we should even bother showing up on IG stories.

That's why Kristina Mand-Lakhiani's book, Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life, is a game-changer for showing up authentically in your creative work (and your every day life!)

There is no such thing as authentic influence!

Okay, here's the scoop: authenticity and influence are not the same thing, they're kind of opposing forces. On social media, we want to be seen, sell our creative work, and connect with others, but we also want to be true to ourselves. But guess what? Authenticity isn't about what we show, but how we feel inside while doing it.

"The problem here is that influence and authenticity are two forces with different directions... It is like pushing a balloon under water: the water pushes the balloon up while your hand is trying to push it down." - from Becoming Flawsome

Trying to be authentic as a creative online is always going to be impossible, because our goal when showing up online is different to when we're connecting with our authentic self. So stop being so hard on yourself for only showing your best work, or feeling like you need a break from posting altogether - it doesn't make you less authentic because your authenticity belongs to you!

Embracing Your Inner Authenticity

According to Kristina, authenticity is about our relationship with ourselves, not impressing others; 

"Authenticity is not a vector; it is a force that has no outward direction. Authenticity is your relationship with yourself. There is only you and no external object, no one but you to exert the force toward." - from Becoming Flawsome

As creatives, that means getting cozy with our inner artists, tapping into what truly excites us, and saying "buh-bye" to outside noise telling us what we "should" be doing. It's all about following our creative gut.

Showing Up Authentically in Your Creative Work

To reach that authentic vibe in your creative work, you've got to get to know your inner artist like she's your BFF. Take a breather from the "work" projects and dive into things that make your creative heart skip a beat. Play, experiment, and journal your heart out. By embracing your inner artist, you'll infuse your professional work with that authentic magic. Remember authenticity is internal, it's not about what others perceive about what you are creating, but how you feel about yourself while doing it!

Showing up authentically as a creator is a journey that starts within. It's not about how others perceive us, but about how we connect with ourselves and our craft. So, spend time getting to know your inner artist, because when you create authentically, the world can't help but take notice.

Ready to unleash your #Flawesome? Dive into Kristina's book, Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life, and let your true creative self shine!


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